- Arts & Crafts Paintings
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- Body Mind Spirit
This painting has a lot of personal meaning and connection for me. As a woman, I've grown to love myself in different ways along my life, and I know that journey will continue. This theme is not new, it's as old as culture itself. Commonly known as "Maiden-Mother-Crone" in the Celtic culture, these three stages of womanhood offer a deeper look into body, mind, and spirit. I designed my Art Nouveau/Celtic border to reflect the grounded, sturdy roots at the bottom connecting us to earth. As you rise up, I wanted to reflect a thin veil between heaven and earth at the top - permeating the idea that Source/God/Heaven is above us, in us, one with us, and integrally, we are a part of and a representation of "the whole." Each chapter or our lives is equally important and should be fully lived.
Artwork by Julie Leidel, 2019.
Artwork by Julie Leidel, 2019.
Body Mind Spirit

Original: Body Mind Spirit

Body Mind Spirit: Matted Print
$39.00 - $129.00
$39.00 - $129.00

Body Mind Spirit: Art Canvas
$109.00 - $595.00
$109.00 - $595.00

Body Mind Spirit: Wood Plaque
$119.00 - $279.00
$119.00 - $279.00

1" Quartersawn Oak Frame
$79.00 - $125.00
$79.00 - $125.00

2" Black Wood Frame
$95.00 - $695.00
$95.00 - $695.00

2" Quartersawn Oak Frame
$150.00 - $825.00
$150.00 - $825.00

Mortise & Tenon Quartersawn Oak Frame
$160.00 - $850.00
$160.00 - $850.00

4-Square Quartersawn Oak Frame
$170.00 - $900.00
$170.00 - $900.00

Plein Air Frame
$150.00 - $315.00
$150.00 - $315.00