- Colorado Paintings
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- Roxborough Trails
Roxborough State Park has a magical glow at sunset. There are many trails that wind their way through and above these beautiful red stone features. Artwork inspired by a collage of my own photos. Artwork by Julie Leidel, 2023.
Roxborough Trails

Roxborough Trails: Matted Print
$39.00 - $129.00
$39.00 - $129.00

Roxborough Trails: Art Canvas
$109.00 - $595.00
$109.00 - $595.00

Metal Art Print
$179.00 - $495.00
$179.00 - $495.00

1" Quartersawn Oak Frame
$79.00 - $125.00
$79.00 - $125.00

2" Quartersawn Oak Frame
$150.00 - $825.00
$150.00 - $825.00

Mortise & Tenon Quartersawn Oak Frame
$160.00 - $850.00
$160.00 - $850.00

4-Square Quartersawn Oak Frame
$170.00 - $900.00
$170.00 - $900.00

Plein Air Frame
$150.00 - $315.00
$150.00 - $315.00